We are your committed and trust-worthy partner with the required in-house expertise and a strong access to a network of energy management and water efficiency experts, as well as out-of-the-box qualified solutions providers.
Solar PV EPC
Plan, design, procure, construct, commission & operate PV plants
Energy Optimization
Reduce your energy consumption by enhancing the efficiency of your systems
Energy Auditing
Let us assess your energy consumption patterns and suggest cost-efficient solutions to reduce your bill
Innovative Solutions
We can join your team and creatively innovate together a solution to your energy problem
World-class training for making your buildings more efficient by industry leaders
PV design support and feasibility consulting for energy studies.
/~clenergy/Jahra Court Complex - PV & BIPV
A state-of-the-art building consisting of a mixture of roof-top PV arrays and facade BIPV applications. This project has a total peak power of 202 kW and generates around 302 MWh per annum.
/~clenergy/Jahra Car Park Building - PV
Jahra Car Park Building - PV
A multi-storey smart car park building supporting the MOJ courts building consists of roof-top and facade-mounted PV arrays. This project has a total peak power of 122 kW and generates around 185 MWh per annum.
/~clenergy/Al-Nokhba Clinic - Energy Optimization
Al-Nokhba Clinic - Energy Optimization
Provided efficient lighting solutions that reduces energy consumption and optimizes the desired lighting levels.
/~clenergy/Design Support for Governmental PV Plants
Design Support for Governmental PV Plants
Various design support services for governmental PV plants including feasibility studies, components selection, energy simulations & shading analyses.
/~clenergy/Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Cultural Centre - Solar Aster Exhibit
Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Cultural Centre - Solar Aster Exhibit
The prestigous Sheikh Abdullah Al Salem Cultural Centre consists of several state of the art exhibits representing various sciences and arts. One of the outdoor exhibits is a group of solar asters consisting of an off-grid solar system which operates the lighting system of the exibit including an artificial campfire. Clenergy MENA was the proud system provider.
/~clenergy/Department of Expropriation for Public Interest and BOT Agency Building
Department of Expropriation for Public Interest and BOT Agency Building
This iconic government building is a green building certified under the GSAS certification scheme. The building is located in the government buildings area in South Surra and consists of solar PV panels in various areas of the building with different orientations with a total peak capacity of 210 kW. Solar PV panels are located on the roof-top, facade, parapet, car shades and fence. An exciting and challenging project completed and commissioning by Clenergy MENA.
/~clenergy/Projacs International Headquarters
Projacs International has decided to take the initiative and be a leading example for energy conservation. A solar PV roof-top system with peak capacity of 57 kW was installed on the Projacs International headquarters which offsets a good portion of the energy consumed by the facility. Clenergy MENA has proudly designed, installed and commissioned the system and is currently being operated and maintained by Clenergy MENA to ensure optimum generation.
/~clenergy/Kuwait University - College of Law, Social Sciences & Islamic Sciences
Kuwait University - College of Law, Social Sciences & Islamic Sciences
The College of law, social sciences and islamic sciences consists of an off-grid system with peak plant capacity of 325 kW. The solar PV system exists on the roof-top of six different buildings. Clenergy MENA was assigned as the system installer.
/~clenergy/Chest Diseases Hospital
Chest Diseases Hospital
The Ministry of Health represented by the chest diseases hospital has implemented a roof-top solar PV system to relfect the ministry's initiative in supporting Kuwait's vision with regards to renewable energy. Clenergy MENA was assigned as the system installer.
/~clenergy/Ministry of Education - Ibn Hayan Kindergarten
Ministry of Education - Ibn Hayan Kindergarten
The Ministry of Education has taken the green initiative to implement solar PV system on all upcoming public schools. The first school with such a system is the Ibn Hayan Kindergarten located in the Ahmadi governerate. The ministry mandates a solar PV system with peak capacity of 150 kW for each school. Clenergy MENA was appointed as the subcontractor for this project, taking care of design, installation and commissioning.